Tyler Quotes:
Walking into TJ Maxx the other day:
Tyler: Hey, this is a TOY store!!
Me: Yes, they do sell toys here.
Tyler: Look, here are some mommy toys (pointing to the jewelry).
This morning at breakfast, eating oatmeal:
Tyler: Uma, this oatmeal makes my poop nice and healthy!
Me: (Giggling) Did you just say that oatmeal makes your poop nice and healthy?
Tyler: Uh huh, but it's kind of hard to push out.
First thing in the morning:
Tyler: Uma, Daddy, I need to go pee!!! (This is how we wake up most mornings)
Nathan gets up to take Ty potty.
Tyler: (standing in front of the potty) NO, not you daddy!
Nate: Why not me?
Tyler: Because your breath is stinky & going to ruin my PJs!
1 comment:
tyler's comments made me laugh! I've never seen a bowl of shame but its got to be better than cleaning the entire bathroom after every haircut. Love you guys!
BTW we are coming out in june-hope to see you then.
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