Sunday, October 26, 2008


The other day, Tyler found Nathan's stash of post-it tags. He is REALLY into stickers lately, and this was a thrilling find. He proceeded to take them all out and stick them on his head, arms, and all over his clothes.And this was the end result. As cute as the picture is, the funniest part is that he wanted to keep those darn things on all day! When one would lose it's stickiness from the constant sticking & unsticking, he was very, very sad. Also, here's a video of Ty making Chester do tricks for goldfish. He loves our dog to death, mauls him everyday, and has been really excited that he can get the dog to do the same tricks mommy & daddy get him to do. Chester won't perform for Tyler unless Nate or I are around, but Ty still thinks it's great.


Misty said...

To cute! Can I send our dog Pig over to be trained? Looks like Tyler is becoming quit the pro!

Jenny said...

That video makes me want a doggy for Brian to play with. I love to hear Ty talking. He's just so adorable. Chester is pretty cute too. We're making an offer on a house and so life's a little crazy this week, but I really want to see you guys soon. Is Ty dressing up for Halloween?

The Mama said...

How come I didn't know you had a blog too?? I'm glad you found me though!! What a cute site you have. Oh, and I am playing on coming to the playdate, thanks!!