Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Camping at Woodland

For the 4th of July, we went camping at Woodland with Grandma & Grandpa. I know, most of you reading this are thinking, "Did I read that right? Jessica went camping?!?" Normally, I am not a big fan of camping, with not being able to shower, being eaten alive by millions of bugs, and having to squat in the woods, but this is a different kind of camping. This is camping at CamperWorld. Showers, swimming pools, playgrounds, and most importantly...toilets! Here are some pictures of our latest "outdoor" adventure.
The weather up there was wonderful! 85 in the day, and 50 at night. Ty would get a little cold in the morning, and have to sleep with us for a couple of hours, but he loved to snuggle with Mommy & Daddy.All in all, it was a great little trip.
It was Tyler's first camping trip. We weren't sure how he would do, but he loved it! He slept well, he ate well, and he played hard! He especially enjoyed being outside 24/7.
It was also the first time this year that he went swimming in a big pool. The first day he was a little tentative, and only wanted to hang out around the pool. But after that, he was jumping in!
Thanks to Grandpa for reserving an awesome site, and thanks to Grandma for cooking all the delicious meals.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

No offense to tents, but that sounds like an awesome camping experience! (Especially the toilet part.)