Friday, June 13, 2008

Blogging for Dummies

So until recently, I didn't think I was a complete computer dummy. I realized that compared to my super-human computing husband, I am an idiot, but I always thought I was a part of this "young technologically-capable generation" that our grandparents are always talking about. Blogging has changed my view of myself. I am one step away from becoming my mother (who hardly touches a computer for fear that it will spontaneously self-combust on her). That's right, all you other women that think you're becoming your mother. I am one step closer to that reality. Blogging has me completely dumbfounded. Sure I can add a post or a picture, but how in the world do I do anything else? *Sigh* Hopefully my sweetie will be able to help me before I become too afraid of this potentially explosive machine that sits in front of me.

1 comment:

Misty said...

Hey Jess.
I know the feeling!!! No worries tho, you eventually figure it out!
Love ya!!!!!
