Wednesday, April 15, 2009

No More Diapers!!!

Today we officially start potty training Tyler. He seems ready, and has grown to HATE his diaper. We'll see how long it takes for him to catch on.
We "taught" potty bear how to use the potty yesterday.
And Ty has LOTS of potty treats. Who wouldn't want to use the potty with a basket of goodies like this?
Wish us luck!!!


whitney said...

we've done it twice now and the second time went a lot smoother, i think because we weren't as stressed about it (he WILL have accidents so just be prepared that you'll have to clean up yucky stuff and then you won't be as upset about it when it happens)... try and relax and be confident and tyler will be relaxed and confident too. good luck!

Adam said...

It is so nice to not have to change diapers. Now if only I could get Mariah to use the potty. :)

Good luck. I hope it all goes smooth for you and especially for Tyler.

Rachelle said...

Good luck! We are starting with Isaac too--don't know how it will go with our trip out next week?!

Jenny said...

Good Luck! I'm glad I don't have to think about potty training yet. When I do, let me know what worked for Ty and what didn't. I'm sure he'll catch on quickly.