Friday, February 20, 2009

Walking the Dog

Since the weather has warmed up a little, we've been taking Chester out for walks again. This is now Tyler's favorite activity. We go on two walks a day, but if it were up to Ty, we would go on at least eight. And he insists on wearing his yellow galoshes. He calls them his "Chester walk boots."


Jenny said...

That boy and his dog are so cute. I really love that he likes to wear those yellow boots. I would love to go to the Aquarium with you. I've never been. If you still want to come down call me and I'll definitely meet you there.

Launi said...

What a sweet boy! His boots are the best too. Be sure to take tons of pictures so that someday when he's 17 he can say, "Mom---how could you let me wear those?" like my boy does...only his were red. :]
He is adorable!